Smiling woman with long gray hair and glasses, standing in front of a colorful Saori woven wall hanging.

Christine Jones

is an Australian based

Saori weaver

knitwear designer


Christine is a textile artist based on the east coast of Australia, working in the media of knitting and weaving.

Her knitwear designs have been shown at Vogue Knitting Live in New York and have been published in Vogue Knitting, Yarn, Clotheshorse and I Like Knitting magazines.

Christine began weaving in 2009 on a rigid heddle loom. Although her collection of looms has expanded to also include tapestry and frame looms, she currently prefers to weave on a Japanese Saori loom.

Her woven pieces embrace the philosophy of Saori - celebrating the beauty of imperfection and the freedom of spontaneous creation. With an eye for combining colour and textures, Christine invites the viewer to explore the realm of tactile and wearable art